Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Coal India visits NIT Warangal

Coal India Limited have visited campus today(ie.,14th September,2011) and have selected 9 students for the profile of Management trainee.We congratulate the students who have been selected and also wish them a bright future.From the bottom of our heart, we would like to thank the recruitment team of Coal India for believing in our students.We also thank all the fraternity of SOM and the Training and placements cell for their constant support and motivation.The following is the list of the students
1)Chandrajeeth Singh
2)Dhiraz Srung
3)Prashant Pataley
4)Ramakrishna Reddy
5)Shipra Rani
6)Samson Bey
7)Sirisha Yerra
8)Srikanth Mallepaka
9)Srikanth Ulli Ganesh

The list will surely continue big till 26 but only the company names will change.Our best wishes to the future job aspirants.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Interactive Session with An Alumnus :September 9th,2011

It was great to see one of our Alumni, Mr.Chinmay Mahapatra (Class of 2006) School of Managment ,NIT Warangal ,back in college on a small visit.He spent quality time in the department and campus reliving the memories of his MBA and also had a dynamic interactive session with the students here at SOM.He discussed few current trends in the market with the the central idea being the significance of Business Development and Strategic Planning (something more on what is the exact scenario and the need of the hour). As an employee of M.S. Al-Suwaidi Industrial Services Co. Ltd.Saudi Arabia , he quoted most examples from his own experiences.Must say, it was a lot more like an eye opener,as every individual's experiences imparts a new learning to the coming generation.We are very much thankful to him for giving us his precious time and that he could fine some time from his busy schedule during his vacation in India.It would be really nice to see many of our Alumni Members back in college with time.It will be an honor for the students and a privilege for the upcoming batches to learn from their own seniors through their experiences!!!

Note:Few more photos of the session will be shared soon.Thank you.